Happy Friday PHE Families,
Thank you for your partnership in making this first week a success. Overall, things ran relatively smoothly, students were engaged and joyful, and our families were collaborative in supporting our school community - all of this despite the heat! I’m also very appreciative of the efforts our staff made to ensure a great first week back. We are a community, and I am grateful for all of you.
A few quick reminders to everyone:
Please no dogs on campus this year. This is a DPS-wide policy for health and safety reasons, and we ask families to abide by the rules.
Please be mindful of parking and safety with all of the road work. Please leave a few extra minutes to allow for a longer walk if driving. This week I saw so many families biking/walking to school, and I encourage everyone who can do so to try and work this into their schedules.
Kiss and Drop is scheduled to start on Monday along Elm St. Details can be found in the School FAQ section. Please be gracious to our school crossing guard, Nicole, who is working to keep it all orderly!!
If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher. You can also find Ms Bixby and me outside each morning and each afternoon. Please stop by and say hi or bring concerns and questions to us!
Hoping you have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend. We will see you back here on Monday.
-Ken Burdette, Principal
After School Enrichments at Park Hill
The Fall 2023 Enrichments can be found here. A few Enrichments are still being finalized. Any updates will be added to the linked document. We wanted families to have as much time as possible to make their choices before Registration was opened.
Most Enrichments are scheduled to begin the week of September 11th. Please check the schedule for each Enrichment to confirm start dates and pre-scheduled dates where class will not meet. Not all Enrichments have the same schedule and run times! Registration will open on Wednesday, August 30th at 10am. Registration links will be sent out at that time.
This year we are going to revert back to vendors being in charge of Enrichment registration. In past years we tried to implement a lottery system, but the consistent feedback we received from parents is that they needed more control into which days and times their students were doing Enrichments. We know that there are drawbacks to vendors operating the registration links, and are exploring other options for future semesters.
A few notes:
-Kindergarten and 1st Grade students will be escorted by a staff member to their Enrichment location at the end of the school day.
-Students will meet parents on the back playground (or go to YMCA) at the end of their Enrichments
-Please do not register before the start time. We will ask vendors to refund and remove any families that register prior to the official opening time
-We have a limited number of scholarships available for select Enrichments. Please reach out to Principal Burdette (kburdet@dpsk12.net) if you would like to inquire about a scholarship
-Enrichments are optional for all students.
Thank you to the Beautification Team & Chuck
Thanks to the families that came out to help pull weeds, spread mulch, and try to straighten up the playground before school started. Also, a huge thanks to Chuck, our facility manager, who came over on his day off and helped out as well. Also, we can always use a little help pulling weeds. If you’re at the school and you see a weed - you’re welcome to pull it out!!
Girls on the Run for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade girls!
So… What is Girls on the Run? Girls stretch themselves – physically, mentally, socially and emotionally. Girls will be inspired to a lifetime of self-respect and a healthy lifestyle through an innovative program that combines training for a 3.1 mile run/walk race with a fun, health education lesson plan. This program promotes individual achievement and self–confidence. Girls gain self-esteem and learn healthy lifestyle habits while training for a 5K run/walk race.
Dates: Tuesday and Thursday from 3:10-4:40 pm. Meets in the gym with pickup on the playground
Season begins: Week of Sept 11th; Final 5K: Nov 12 th at Empower Field (Mile High Stadium)
Cost: $195 (Scholarships available)
Girls on the Run Registration opened Friday, August 25th at 9 am and goes until Sunday, August 27th at 5pm. It will be a lottery system depending on how many girls end up registering for the 2 teams. You will be notified on Monday, August 28th if your girl will be one of the teams.
Register here: https://www.pinwheel.us/register/index/fall23
Scholarship forms - Please download/make a copy of this Scholarship form and send it
to scholarships@girlsontherunrockies.org. Please note - Girls on the Run is separate from the regular Park Hill enrichments.
About US
The Park Hill PTSA is a volunteer-based service organization with two goals:
Bridge the gap between school and home by building community.
Raise funds to cover educational necessities that the district (DPS) does not cover. In addition to covering costs to better the school itself, our efforts in fundraising support essential school workers and programs that benefit our teachers and children.
Thank You
We want to start off the year by thanking everyone who joined us for the new family happy hour and lemonade social! We’d especially like to thank our volunteers who helped make the event wonderful. These events would not be possible without the incredible people who take pride in helping our students and school. Their dedication makes every event and social gathering a success!
Things to Remember
Join or renew your PTSA Membership Wondering if you should be a member? Next week we’ll talk in more depth about the purpose of the PTSA and what membership means!
Follow us on Instagram & Facebook @pheptsa
There are parent led groups within the Facebook page for each grade K-5
Set-up Cashback programs: King Soopers & Givebacks
2023 - 2024 PTSA Calendar
Monday Sept 18th, 5:30pm: 1st PTSA Member Meeting
Friday Sept 22nd: Coffee with Ken
Friday October 6th: Direct Giving and Movie Night
Saturday October 21st: Park Hill Night at the Rapids (info to follow)
Friday, Feb 23rd 2024: The Park Hill Elementary School Auction!
Community Items
DPS Substance Use Prevention Program Announces Fall Webinar Lineup
The DPS Substance Use Prevention (SUP) Program will continue to host a monthly webinar on the first Wednesday of every month at noon. Webinars will feature experts from the Denver community who will provide attendees with information about relevant issues that youth are facing today.
Upcoming webinars to save the date for:
Sept. 6: Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health with Jerrica Cherry, LPC, Children's Hospital Colorado.
Oct. 4: Youth Substance Use Prevention and Intervention with Dr. Christian Thurstone, Denver Health STEP Team.
Nov. 1 at noon: Digital Wellness for Youth and Families with Brian Dino, DPS Digital Coach.
Learn more about the webinars listed above and register here.
Registration Open! Montview Conservatory for the Arts; Classes for the 2023-24 school year:
‘Playing Around’ Music Classes; (Grades K-5)
Playing Around Session 1: (Thursdays); SEP 21- DEC 14; (12 weeks)
(Registrations accepted through Friday, 15 SEP 2023)
K-2nd Grade Class: 5:00 pm - 5: 45 pm
3rd-5th Grade Class: 6:00 pm- 6:45 pm
Playing Around Session 2: (Thursdays); JAN 18- APR 11; (12 weeks);
(Registrations accepted through Friday, 12 JAN 2024)
K-2nd Grade Class: 5:00 pm - 5: 45 pm
3rd-5th Grade Class: 6:00 pm- 6:45 pm
‘Acting Up’ Theatre Classes; (Grades 3-5):
Session 1: (Tuesdays); OCT 3 - NOV 14; 4:30-6:30 pm; (7 weeks)
(Registrations accepted through Monday, 25 SEP 2023)
Session 2: (Tuesdays); JAN 23 - MAR 12 ; 4:30-6:30 pm;
(Registrations accepted through Monday, 15 JAN 2024)
Actors Workshop; (Grades 6-8):
Session 1: (Mondays); OCT 2 - NOV 13; 5:30-7:30 pm
(Registrations accepted through Monday, 25 SEP 2023)
Session 2: (Mondays); JAN 22 - MAR 11; 5:30-7:30 pm
(Registrations accepted through Monday, 15 JAN 2024)
For more information on class content and registration, go to our website atwww.montconarts.org. For questions, contact Heidi Shriver: hshriver105@gmail.com or 303-358-0182.