Happy Friday Park Hill Families,
The PHE Auction is quickly approaching! I hope everyone was able to read through the email I sent at the beginning of the week about why this is an important event for our school. Aside from this being our biggest fundraiser of the year, it is always a fun night where staff, parents, and community members can come together to support our educational mission here at PHE. Our amazing PTSA team has been working hard to make this year’s event special. If you haven’t done so yet, please register on the Auction website, where you can get an idea of the buy-a-share themed parties and other fun items and opportunities that will be available that evening. It’s not too late for donations as well! This event is free to attend and welcome to anyone in the PHE community. I hope to see everyone at the event next Friday, March 3 at the Denver Zoo.
Enjoy the sunshine this weekend!
- Ken Burdette, Principal
Mark Your Calendar: School Beautification / Earth Day
Come celebrate Earth Day by sprucing up our school yard for spring! Bring your shovels, rakes, and wheelbarrows to help plant new trees, spread mulch, pull weeds, and plant new shrubs around the back playground on Earth Day, Saturday, April 22. This project is funded by your donations to the direct giving campaign in the fall. A sign up genius link for volunteers will be available soon.
Community: PHNEE Information
Don’t forget to join us for a free Authors’ event with Pat Pascoe discussing her new book, A Dream of Justice: Keyes v. Denver Public Schools onSaturday, March 18 from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. at the Park Hill Library, 4705 Montview Boulevard, Denver. Join your neighbors for a fascinating look at this important part of our neighborhood’s history. Read the full PHNEE newsletter here.
One week until the Auction!!!!
Have you:
Registered each attendee separately? Iheartparkhill.com
Made sure your friends are registered?
Picked out your party outfit? (this event is in an outdoor area with heated shelters, dress accordingly!)
Booked your babysitter? (This is a 21+ event!)
Signed up to volunteer day-of? HERE
Auction Catalog - over 200 items and growing!
Auction Questions?
Email us: auction@parkhillptsa.com
Family Tech Talk
If you missed the Family Tech Talk Night on February 7, 2023 you can watch the recording here- https://youtu.be/Ij2x9e1VCNM
PTSA Officer Election
If you are interested in joining the PTSA Board please email President@parkhillptsa.com. Elections will take place at the next PTSA Meeting on Monday, March 13th.
Park Hill Night at the Rapids! - Save the Date
Join us for another night out cheering on our very own Colorado Rapids! This year it will be Saturday April 22nd, Earth Day (soccer balls are spheres, the earth is a sphere - coincidence?)