From the PHE Black Excellence Committee:
PHE’s Black Excellence Committee is sponsoring a global initiative at the local level, the Black Children’s Book Week from 2/26-3/04. Click here for more info on this amazing opportunity and event. What do we need from you? We are asking for mystery readers from our families and our community! Each day a parent or special adult will arrive to read a story to a classroom. We will have books to choose from, or, of course, you are welcome to bring one from home that you love. Once confirmed as a reader, you can reach out to Ms. Baldwin for book ideas if you need. Her email is
Here are a few other helpful links to augment what Ms. Baldwin can provide:
If you are interested in being a mystery reader in your child's classroom, or within the school, please email Principal Burdette at In the email, please indicate which classroom(s) you would like to read to. If you have friends or relatives interested, please include it in the email.
- Ken Burdette, Principal
Health and Wellness Update
We are seeing patterns in the school that match the local and national reports of rising rates of various viral/bacterial infections (Strep, Influenza and other viral infections), please try to be mindful of your student’s health and keep students home if needed and give them time to recover. If you have questions about whether or not your student is ready to come back, please call the office or reach out to our nursing team. We appreciate everyone's support in keeping our community safe and healthy. Also, we have a supply of COVID rapid test kits if any family needs an additional test.
Monday’s Forecast
We are expecting extremely cold weather on Monday (currently low of 6℉/ high of 9℉). Please make sure your students are dressed appropriately. We will most likely have an inside day to accommodate the cold temps.
Lunar New Year Dragon Parade and Celebration
This year we are planning for the first annual Lunar New Year Dragon Parade and Celebration at Park Hill Elementary. The dragon parade will be on February 10th at 2:45pm. Please mark your calendars. All are welcome! Each class has created a dragon in art class and we will parade around the school with our beautiful homemade dragons! Please have children wear bright colors on that day. Ideally, they can wear the colors of their classroom's dragon. (They will know the colors of their dragon!). Contact Lauren Nonino ( for more information or with questions.
Please pick up last years Yearbooks
We still have a pile of yearbooks from last year in the main office. If you bought one and haven’t picked it up yet, please come into the office during school hours to grab one!
DPS Foundation fundraiser: Avalanche Game
Monday, March 20th: 7pm @ Ball Arena. $5 of each ticket will benefit DPS Foundation
Community: PHNEE February Newsletter
Did you know that Park Hill was at the center of a Supreme Court case filed in 1969 that ordered the school board to desegregate the entire district “root and branch”? Park Hill Neighbors for Equity in Education invites you to join your neighbors and former state senator, Pat Pascoe, to discuss Pat’s new book, A Dream of Justice: the Story of Keyes v. Denver Public Schools. 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the Keyes case. How did it start? How did it change the Denver Public Schools? Where do we go from here? Come to the Park Hill Library on Saturday, March 18, 2023 from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. for this free event. To read the PHNEE February newsletter click here.
Reminder: DPS School Choice and Universal Pre-K windows open
The DPS SchoolChoice and Universal Pre-K (for ECE only) windows are open through February 14th. As a reminder, SchoolChoice is the process where families rank their enrollment choices. The front office sent out a guide for families via email to help with the School Choice process. Please make sure your student gets enrolled properly for their upcoming grade next school year. Families should login to the DPS SchoolChoice website with their DPS Parent Portal credentials.
Reminder: !!Save The Date!! - World Arts and Cultures Festival
Please save the date for the 1st/2nd grade multicultural performances! Students need to arrive 15 minutes prior to their performance time. We look forward to seeing you there!
Wednesday, March 15 Thursday, March 16
5pm Peterson/Kline 5pm Wiant/Goodwin
6pm Wren/Holly 6pm Harris/Oxman
Family Tech Talk
Please join us on Tuesday, February 7th at 6:00 pm for a presentation and Q&A about the risks kids today face online.
Passcode 105837
Please note that attendees won't be seen or heard, you can listen to it live in Spanish, and it will be recorded. However, the recording must be requested as they don't send it out to everyone, and it is only live for a short while.
ATTN DATE CHANGE: Super Mega Awesome Dance Party Fundraiser
Mark your calendar for this wicked fun student lead fundraising event. The 3 weeks of fundraising lasts from April 7th - 28th and at the conclusion we want to say thanks by hosting the Super Mega Awesome Dance Party on April 28th!
-More details to follow
-Families are welcome to join the dance party
-As always, volunteers are always appreciated:
Park Hill Night at the Rapids! - Save the Date
Join us for another night out cheering on our very own Colorado Rapids! This year it will be Saturday April 22nd, Earth Day (soccer balls are spheres, the earth is a sphere - coincidence?)
Amazon Smile is going away
Amazon smile let us know they will be discontinuing their charitable program after February. Thanks to all who raised funds for Park Hill in that way. If you’re looking for another option, Givebacks is a fantastic and flexible alternative!
Help Needed for PTSA Meetings
Childcare: In order to continue to offer childcare during our PTSA meetings, we are looking for volunteers to watch kids while their parents participate in the meetings. Volunteers must be 18+. You can sign up here.
Snacks:We would like volunteers to bring snacks to our PTSA meetings. Please sign up here.
Park Hill Auction - March 3rd
Hey Party Animals! Registration is live for our March 3, 2023 Park Hill Auction! Please note that each attendee will need their own registration. It only takes 2 minutes to complete and once you are registered, take time to browse our Auction catalog to preview some of our items and experiences!
Do you (or someone you know) have a vacation home? Would you consider donating a vacation to the Park Hill Auction? As the donor you decide on blackout dates, how to reserve, the length of stay, and how to market the property. Please consider helping out the auction as a Great Getaway donor! It is a great way for us to continue supporting education at Park Hill!
Please visit: for registration and to donate
Have any questions, have an item to donate, or want to brainstorm an idea? Email us at
Liz and Courtney