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Panther Pages, May 12, 2023


Happy Friday PHE Families,

A special thank you to our families and the PTSA for all of the special notes, snacks and flowers over the past week. These gestures really make our staff feel appreciated and is a part of what makes working at PHE feel special.

We are looking for parent volunteers during the field day events on May 24-25th. To simplify things, we are looking for adults that can be there for an entire morning or afternoon session. If you would like to help, please email me directly

I hope everyone has enjoyed this rainstorm - and I’m personally looking forward to some sunshine this weekend!

-Ken Burdette, Principal

Field Day Times (on the Back Playground)

May 24th

3rd, 4th & 5th grades - 8:45-11:45 am

May 25th

1st & 2nd grades - 8:45-10:45 am

Kindergarten - 2:00-3:00 pm

*Make sure students are dressed appropriately these days!

Summer Chromebook Checkout

Over the summer of 2023, PHE students have an opportunity to check out a Chromebook and a Chromebook charger for use over the summer. If you are interested in this option for your student, the parent/guardian must complete thisChromebook Check Out survey before Friday, May 19. Students who check out a Chromebook for the summer will bring the same Chromebook to their DPS school at the start of next school year. Please note, as part of opting to take a Chromebook home families will be financially responsible for any damages that occur.

3rd Grade Show Dates/Times:

May 17 Connnelly/Gates - 6 pm

May 18 Main/Strumor - 6 pm

*Students should report to the music room no later than 5:40pm to get into their costumes. Please contact Ms. Nonino with any questions or if your student will not be in attendance

Medication Pick Up

If your student has medication in the Health Office, a parent or guardian will need to pick up all medications by 12:30PM on Friday, June 2nd. Medications cannot be sent home with students. If your child is participating in a summer program, these will not be automatically transferred. Parents will need to pick up the medicine from Park Hill and then give it to the summer school site on the first day. If you need to make alternative arrangements for pickup, please contact the nurse directly at 720-424-4915 or Medication Forms for the 2023-2024 school year can be found here. We will need a new form completed for next year: under #6 health forms.

Lost and Found

Our lost and found pile is overflowing. Next Monday (weather accommodating) we will pull the lost and found items out into the back playground courtyard. Please come and take a look for any missing items! Unclaimed items will be donated.

Reminder: Opt-In for 2023-24 Bus Transportation NOW OPEN

The Transportation Opt-In Program is live now and will close on June 16. If your student is eligible and requires DPS Transportation services for the 2023-24 school year, opt in via Parent Portal. If families do not opt in by the deadline, their student may experience a delay in service.

Students are eligible for bus transportation if Park Hill is their neighborhood school and they live greater than 1 mile from the school. Families that live outside the designated Park Hill boundaries are generally not eligible for bus services to Park Hill. Historically, Bus routes are made available just prior to the start of school in August. Questions? Call Transportation @ 720-423-4600.

Reminder: School Supplies for Fall 2023-24 school year

Order Securely Online Starting Now thru June 4th! Supplies are shipped to the school and students will receive school supplies on the first day of school.

2. Enter the school ID, PAR387 (3 letters/3 numbers)

3. Follow the directions to complete your order. Choose the grade level your student will be

next fall

4. Keep your online confirmation as your receipt.

Supply lists are available through the link above as well if you would like to purchase them on your own. For questions, please contact Catherine Powers ( or Ann Kurth ( Every student must have their own supplies. If you are able, please consider supporting another family who might need supplies. The front office is collecting donations (checks can be made payable to ‘Park Hill PTSA’) or you can purchase an additional package for your child’s grade level and put ‘donation’ as the student name. Please reach out to Principal Burdette if you would like to request a scholarship for your student.

Reminder: Early Bird Registration closes May 19

Early bird registration for the 2023-24 school year opens May 8 through May 19. This needs to be done for EVERY STUDENT (ECE-5th in the fall) returning to Park Hill. This is the annual process of providing and updating student and family information on file, including emergency contacts, health information and more. Registration can be done online at this time. Online registration can only be completed by the parent/guardian listed in the primary household of the student record. Please look through the instructions below as getting to the right registration area can be confusing!!

Steps for Completing Online Registration:

  • Login to Parent Portal at using Chrome or Firefox browsers (this requires your student ID # the first time). Your Parent Portal ID is different from SchoolChoice.

  • Click Log In

  • Click Sign In (Enter your Parent Portal Username and Password)

  • Click 'See All Apps'

  • Click 'Online Registration'

  • You will bring up the Infinite Campus website - Scroll down; click 'More'

  • Click 'Online Registration'

If you have difficulties, please contact the office (720-424-4910).

Coaches Needed for Girls on the Run - Fall 2023

Interested in coaching Girls on the Run? It is a great program for girls and very popular at Park Hill. We need volunteer coaches in the fall in order to make this program work. If you want to find out more information about what is involved with coaching, contact Mrs. Horeis at and check out at this site:

Not planning to come to Park Hill next fall?

For our current ECE-4 - 4th grade families:

If you are certain that you are not planning to attend Park Hill Elementary in the fall, please email Ann Kurth - We are beginning to work on next year's enrollment and this information helps us to balance out our classes. Thanks!!


Teacher Appreciation Week

Thank you Teachers!!

Milk Caps for Moola!

Over the past 5 years the collection of milk caps has raised over $2000! Great job PHE families! Please have any milk caps for the last collection for the school year on Friday, May 26th.

Volunteers for T-shirt Distribution

If you are interested in volunteering, we could use some help picking up shirts (Arvada), sorting and delivering to classrooms. Exact dates and times are TBD, likely May 22nd or 23rd. Please email if you are free those dates to help.

Community Items

Community: Montview Conservatory for the Arts; Registration Open for Classes during the ‘23-’24 school year:

‘Playing Around’ Music Classes; (Grades K-5)

  • Playing Around Session 1: (Thursdays); SEP 21- DEC 14; (12 weeks)

(Registrations accepted through Friday, 15 SEP 2023)

K-2nd Grade Class: 5:00 pm - 5: 45 pm

3rd-5th Grade Class: 6:00 pm- 6:45 pm

  • Playing Around Session 2: (Thursdays); JAN 18- APR 11; (12 weeks);

(Registrations accepted through Friday, 12 JAN 2024)

K-2nd Grade Class: 5:00 pm - 5: 45 pm

3rd-5th Grade Class: 6:00 pm- 6:45 pm

Acting Up’ Theatre Classes; (Grades 3-5):

  • Session 1: (Tuesdays); OCT 3 - NOV 14; 4:30-6:30 pm; (7 weeks)

(Registrations accepted through Monday, 25 SEP 2023)

  • Session 2: (Tuesdays); JAN 23 - MAR 12 ; 4:30-6:30 pm;

(Registrations accepted through Monday, 15 JAN 2024)

Actors Workshop; (Grades 6-8):

  • Session 1: (Mondays); OCT 2 - NOV 13; 5:30-7:30 pm

(Registrations accepted through Monday, 25 SEP 2023)

  • Session 2: (Mondays); JAN 22 - MAR 11; 5:30-7:30 pm

(Registrations accepted through Monday, 15 JAN 2024)

For more information on class content and registration, go to our website at For questions, contact Heidi Shriver: or 303-358-0182.

Community: Salvation Army - Stellar High Peak Camp - Summer 2023

Camp Dates

Rocky Mountain Camp #1 June 12-16

Say Camp June 19-23

Rocky Mountain Camp #2 June 26-30

Music and Worship Arts Camp July 7-14

Teen Camp July 17-21

Adaptive Camp July 17-21

Service Extension Camp July 24-28 Contact: 303.866.9298



Questions?  Please see our FAQ section.


School Phone:  (720)424-4910
School Fax:  (720)424-4935
Office Contact: Ann Kurth


©2022 by Park Hill Elementary

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