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Panther Pages, May 26, 2023


Happy Friday PHE Families,

Wow! This has been a busy week for the school. I want to extend my congratulations to the 5th grade students that performed or put together the talent show performance last night. I was truly impressed with their confidence and talents up there! Also, thanks to all of the parents and their support over the past week during the Field Day and different special classroom events. Next week will be busy as well. Please see the reminders below for the schedule.

Please have a restful and safe Memorial Day weekend (reminder: no school on Monday)!

-Ken Burdette, Principal

2023-24 School Year Class Placement

Families will receive an email with their student’s class placement for the next school year. You can expect to receive them no later than June 9. If you do not receive an email, please reach out to Ann Kurth.

Each class list is put together by teachers and administrators with an immense amount of thought and with the goal of matching students with the teacher that will best fit their needs. Many factors go into the class rosters with a goal of balancing academic supports, gender, language development, health concerns, and social needs.

Yearbooks Available for pick-up

Yearbooks! We're so excited to distribute the Park Hill yearbook this year! Yearbooks will be distributed after school on the blacktop on Tuesday, May 30 and Wednesday, May 31. (Students in 5th grade will receive theirs in class on Tuesday morning, May 30). If your student(s) are unable to get a yearbook on either the 30th or 31st, and you ordered one, they will be available in the main office starting June 1.

Reminder: Deadline for School Supplies is June 4

Order Securely Online thru June 4! Supplies are shipped to the school and students will receive school supplies on the first day of school. Orders after June 4 will be charged an extra amount. The final date to order and have supplies sent to the school is June 25.

2. Enter the school ID, PAR387 (3 letters/3 numbers)

3. Follow the directions to complete your order. Choose the grade level your student will be next fall

4. Keep your online confirmation as your receipt.

Free COVID tests and school based clinic info for summer care

We have spare COVID test kits if you would like them for over the summer. Please come to the office any time during school hours to grab a few if your family can use them.

See the attached flier for free summer health care options for DPS students

DPS Summer of Sora Reading Challenge

The Sora app and website allows you to borrow eBooks and audiobooks from your school's library over the summer! Login and check out eBooks and audiobooks. Every week, 10 winners will get a free book. At the end of the summer, 4 grand prize winners will get a kindle e-reader, hoodie and more books.

Please help spread the word so we can keep our kids reading this summer!

Update: Early Bird Registration extended

Please note that the district has granted families an extension until June 1 at 5 pm to complete Early Bird registration.

Steps for Completing Online Registration:

  • Login to Parent Portal at using Chrome or Firefox browsers (this requires your student ID # the first time). Click Log In

  • Click Sign In (Enter your Parent Portal Username and Password). This is different than the SchoolChoice login

  • Click 'See All Apps'

  • Click 'Online Registration'

  • You will bring up the Infinite Campus website - Scroll down; click 'More'

  • Click 'Online Registration'

If you have difficulties, please contact the office (720-424-4910).

Office Lost and Found

These items are in the office Lost and Found. Families or students are welcome to stop by the office and claim any lost items.

Reminder: Medication Pick Up

If your student has medication in the Health Office, a parent or guardian will need to pick up all medications by 12:30PM on Friday, June 2nd. Medications cannot be sent home with students. If your child is participating in a summer program, these will not be automatically transferred. Parents will need to pick up the medicine from Park Hill and then give it to the summer school site on the first day. If you need to make alternative arrangements for pickup, please contact the nurse directly at 720-424-4915 or Medication Forms for the 2023-2024 school year can be found here. We will need a new form completed for next year: under #6 health forms.

Reminder: Opt-In for 2023-24 Bus Transportation closes June 16

The Transportation Opt-In Program is live now and will close on June 16. If your student is eligible and requires DPS Transportation services for the 2023-24 school year, opt in via Parent Portal. If families do not opt in by the deadline, their student may experience a delay in service.

Students are eligible for bus transportation if Park Hill is their neighborhood school and they live greater than 1 mile from the school. Families that live outside the designated Park Hill boundaries are generally not eligible for bus services to Park Hill. Historically, Bus routes are made available just prior to the start of school in August. Questions? Call Transportation @ 720-423-4600.

Reminder: Kindergarten Graduation schedule

Thursday, June 1

10:30am - Miller/Bloch 11:30am - Neale

Reminder: 5th Grade Continuation schedule

Outdoor Presentations on Thursday, June 1 (Parents can bring a chair or picnic blanket):

9am- Cowen/Mills

10am - Ferguson/Ash

The car parade to follow:

11:00 - 11:10am - Cowen and Mills Car Parade

11:10 - 11:20am - Ferg and Ash Car Parade

Reminder: Early dismissal on June 2

A reminder that our last day of school is Friday, June 2. This is a half-day and students are all released at 11:30am. We do not serve lunch on this day.

Community PHNEE newsletter

Each month, we ask our readers to consider making a donation to our schools. We thank those of you who have stepped up to help. In addition to sponsoring events like One Park Hill Day and the Summer Passport, we hope to make direct unrestricted grants to the schools most in need. Celebrate the end of this school year by contributing to PHNEE! Click on DONATE and choose "PHNEE- One Park Hill Fund" from the dropdown menu. If you can, make it monthly. Any amount, no matter how small, will help! Read the June issue of our newsletter where you can sign up for this year’s Summer Passport program here.


Can We Contact You?

Summer may be upon us, but the PTSA will still be working on some items this summer to prepare for the 2023-24 school year. Please take a moment to double check we have our contact info so we can keep you up to date this summer on everything from room parent sign ups to lemonade social dates and details.

Not registered in memberhub? You can do that now here:

Another great way to keep up to date this summer is following us on Instagram & Facebook @pheptsa



Questions?  Please see our FAQ section.


School Phone:  (720)424-4910
School Fax:  (720)424-4935
Office Contact: Ann Kurth


©2022 by Park Hill Elementary

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